HRP-5P Posing

With a height of 1830 mm and weight of 101 kg, HRP-5P is the successor to both HRP-4 and HRP-2Kai. Both legs have 6 DoF each, both arms have 9 DoF each, and both hands have 1 DoF each. The neck has 2 DoF and the waist has 3 DoF bringing the total to 37 DoF. Waist DoF’s have two motors for each joint, while knee pitch has three motors per joint. Each arm of HRP-5P, extended horizontally, can carry a weight of 2.9 kg, compared to 1.3 kg for the HRP-2Kai and 0.9 kg for HRP-4. This increase in strength is due to better lubrication for the harmonic gears, better cooling system, and higher power motors.

HRP-5P DoF Diagram

HRP-5P three motor joint

“Furthermore, HRP-5P inherits the technologies of HRP series and utilizes patented technology of Honda Motor Co., Ltd.” I haven’t been able to figure out what technology that HRP-5P is using from Honda.

HRP-5P Electrical Diagram

Papers with more info

Humanoid Robot HRP-5P: An Electrically Actuated Humanoid Robot With High-Power and Wide-Range Joints HRP-5P Toward robust whole-body motion control for locomotion in unstructured enviorments

Where are they now?

HRP-5P was on static display at the World Robot Summit in Tokyo on October 18, 2018. After the initial video was released by AIST in 2018, no more information has been shared officially. On May 23, 2019 a video (linked above) was released by a researcher showing HRP-5P doing complex manipulation.

Written on April 25, 2021